Inspections of lighting intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres

(Final report of the project of 2014 – ATEX – 94/9/ES)(Prague, January 26, 2014) Inspections focused on lighting intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres were carried out at seven manufacturers, one importer, and five distributors. All inspected persons ensured conformity assessment for selected products in a procedure compliant with lighting of particular categories pursuant to government order. Situation in the market was monitored within the inspection action – distributors identified suppliers and possible importer of lighting ...

Inspections of pressure accessories for pressure equipment were without defects

(Final report of the project of 2014)(Prague, January 23, 2015) Specialized inspection action of the Czech trade inspection Authority was aimed at manufacturers and importers of pressure accessories of pressure equipment in 2014. In total 9 detected manufacturers and 1 importer of these products were inspected. All of these subjects provided assessment of conformity of selected products in a manner that corresponds with category under which accessories of pressure equipment fall as stipulated in applicable Government Order. No shortcomings were...

Fuels with minor defects

(Monitoring of fuels quality – December 2014)(Prague, January 19, 2015) Violations of quality indicators were detected only in two samples of diesel fuel within inspections of 137 fuel samples collected at filling stations in December 2014. In both cases, determined limit for flash point was not complied with which stand for 1.5% of poor quality samples. Other collected and tested samples of motor fuels were without defects. Violation of the upper acceptable level of bio ingredients content was not discovered concerning diesel and gasoline. T...

Quality of solid fuels without defects in 2014

(Final report of 2014)(Prague, January 14, 2015) Inspections focused on quality of solid fuels are carried out by all CTIA inspectorates throughout the year. Not only selected shops with coal and wood pellets, but also workplaces about which consumers submitted complaints were inspected. It is positive that no deviations from the quality determined by the Act on Air Protection and its implementing regulations were detected in any of 16 collected samples of solid fuels. Formal shortcomings related to the law were detected within 5 of 70 inspecti...

Sellers of fakes: Numbers of customers and CTIA findings don’t decline

(Continuous report of 3rd quarter of 2014)(Prague, January 12, 2015) Inspections focused on counterfeits of various consumer goods offered in the Czech market continued in the 3rd quarter of 2014. Inspectors collected in total 12,445 pieces of products that violated certain intellectual property rights within one third of more than 400 inspections. If these products were sold, owners of intellectual property rights would be damaged by 22 million CZK. Different shortcomings were detected in another third of the inspections. In total 353 fines am...

Director General reacts to report of Czech Radio

(Prague, January 9, 2015) The Director General of the Czech Trade Inspection Authority Mojmír Bezecný received primary information from radio reporter Janek Kroupa about possible corruption concerning certain inspectors of the inspectorate of South Moravian and Zlín Regions and he immediately visited the inspectorate in order to get familiar with the situation. An extraordinary audit and detailed inspection started based on the order of the Director General. The Czech Trade Inspection Authority is ready to cooperate with the Police of the Czech...

Collection of wastes with shortcomings

(Final report of 2014)(Prague, January 5, 2015) All inspectorates of the CTIA participated in inspections aimed at secondary raw material collection sites, in some cases in cooperation with trade licensing offices. They detected shortcomings in 60 inspected workplaces, i.e. almost in 40% of cases. 55 fines amounting to 566,000 CZK in total were lawfully imposed. Operators of collection sites most frequently violated principles of fair selling, e.g. when they incorrectly billed price of purchased secondary raw materials or used scales without va...

Textile products are sold without marking and prices

(Partial report of 3rd quarter of 2014)(Prague, December 23, 2014) During inspections of textile products in the 3rd quarter of 2014 CTIA inspectors detected a number of shortcomings concerning breaches of obligations stipulated in the Act on Consumer Protection as well as directly applicable European Regulation that lays down conditions for textile fibre names and related labelling and marking of the fibre composition of such assortment. Defects detected in more than a half of 477 inspected work placed and sale points suggest that seller...
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