1 inspected fuel sample failed in September

(Prague, October 31, 2017) The Czech Trade Inspection Authority carried out an inspection of fuels quality in September and, similarly to August, detected one sample that failed the quality requirements. The total number of taken samples was 216.

Two of five sellers breached law at Flora Olomouc

(Olomouc, October 27, 2017) The Czech Trade Inspection Authority of the Moravian-Silesian Region and Olomouc Region carried out an inspection at the international gardening exhibition Flora Olomouc. Breaches of legal obligations were detected in more than 40% of inspected entities.

Headdress „Bunny“ for children is dangerous

(Prague, October 18, 2017) The Czech Trade Inspection Authority regularly monitors if toys that could possibly pose safety hazard to children are offered in the retail market. This time it detected that a plastic illuminating toy “Headdress – Bunny” is in the Czech market. Batteries aren’t sufficiently secured, so a child can swallow or inhale them after it takes them out of the toy.

„Battle of White Mountain“ with a fine

(Prague, October 17, 2017) The Czech Trade Inspection Authority Inspectorate of the Central Bohemian Region and the capital of Prague carried out an extraordinary inspection at the event “Battle of White Mountain”. Besides the reconstruction of the famous battle also refreshments was offered. CTIA focused on compliance with prohibition to sell alcoholic beverages to youth and found that one of three vendors breached law.

CTIA carried out 187 inspections on gambling, alcohol and kids

(Prague, October 16, 2017) The Czech Trade Inspection Authority carried out a national preventive inspection on gambling, alcohol and kids (inspection called HAD) aimed at gambling and alcohol consumption by persons under 18 years. Violations of legal regulations were detected in almost 53% of 187 inspections. CTIA focused especially on compliance with the Act No. 65/2017 Coll. on the Protection of Public Health from Harmful Effects of Drugs. It was breached in 22 cases.

50% of inspected bazaars and pawnshops breached law

(Prague, October 6, 2017) In the 2nd quarter of 2017, the Czech Trade Inspection Authority carried out inspections of bazaars and pawnshops and detected breaches of law in half of the cases. Vendors most frequently didn’t inform about claims conditions and in the bill of purchase they didn’t indicate that the product was already used or that it has defects. “The Czech Trade Inspection Authority will continue in these inspections because results confirmed shortcomings in a half of the inspected workplaces. However, there is a positive news – we ...
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