Double prices detected in case of discounted goods

(Prague, November 24, 2017) Special offers and special clearance sales can be found in the Czech retail network all through the year. Therefore the Czech Trade Inspection Authority monitors compliance with provisions of law within the offer and sale of discounted goods. In the period from July 1 to September 30, 2017, CTIA carried out 924 inspections and detected violations of legal regulations in 374 cases (40.5%). “With regard to the fact that vendors offer goods within sales all through the year, CTIA pays increased attention to the matter. ...

All Soul’s Day with 50% of flaws

(Ostrava, November 23, 2017) The Czech Trade inspection Authority regularly monitors compliance with law on the occasion of the All Soul’s Day. It also carried out inspections of quality of sale of products and provided services this year. There were 73 inspections held in the Olomouc and Moravian-Silesian Regions and flaws were found in almost half of the cases.

Summer touristic season

(Prague, November 22, 2017) The Czech Trade Inspection Authority evaluated inspections carried out in touristic areas during the summer. In the period from May 2 to September 30, 2017, it carried out 1,024 inspections and detected violations of law in 35 cases (32.7%). Vendors most frequently failed principles of fair selling, e.g. incorrect weight of meals or amount of drinks. CTIA imposed 276 on-the-spot fines amounting to CZK 564,000 in total for these infringements.

Extraordinary inspection in Jevíčko

(Hradec Králové, November 20, 2017) The Czech Trade Inspection Authority of the Hradec Králové and Pardubice Regions carried out an extraordinary inspection in the area of Jevíčko and its surroundings. It carried out 18 inspections with the aim at compliance with law in the retail network and public alimentation services. Violations of legal regulations were detected in almost 40% of cases.

Watch out in e-shops and search for contacts

There are many cases in which consumers order goods from an e-shop with a .cz domain behind which a Chinese seller is hidden. They receive either nothing or something else or a poor quality product. Christmas purchases have come and consumers should always find out if online traders provide proper contact details and information about consumer rights. It’s a good way to avoid fraud.

Penny Market, Billa and Albert sold alcohol to youth

(Brno, November 14, 2017) The Czech Trade Inspection Authority of the South Moravian Region carried out an extraordinary inspection focused on compliance with the Act No. 65/2017 on Health Protection from the Harmful Effect of Drugs which lays down prohibition to sell alcohol to youth. CTIA officers inspected 18 workplaces in Brno, including 16 premises in which they detected violations of law. In 3 cases, alcohol was even sold to a youth who showed their ID based on cashier’s request although the birth date was clear.

Český telefonní seznam – deceptive offer looks like an invoice for services

(Praha, 13. listopad 2017) Česká obchodní inspekce zaznamenala v posledních měsících nárůst stížností na společnost Český telefonní seznam, s.r.o. V drtivé většině se ale jedná o podněty podnikatelů, které není Česká obchodní inspekce oprávněna řešit. Podnikatel se může proti takovému jednání bránit soudně. Pokud však podobná nabídka přijde spotřebitelům, takové podněty inspekce naopak řešit může a v minulosti na základě nich uložila také dvě pokuty.

85% of inspected e-shops breached law

(Prague, November 10, 2017) The Czech Trade Inspection Authority carries out inspections of Czech e-shops. In the third quarter of 2017, it carried out 203 inspections and detected violations in more than 84% of cases. “The number of inspections with findings almost doubled during the past two years. CTIA uses its long-term experience and targets on problematic e-shops and reacts to submissions from consumers. Generally speaking, we often see that e-shops operators avoid their obligations to inform consumers about alternative dispute resolution...

CTIA imposed 17 fines at Šenovská burza

(Ostrava, November 1, 2017) The Czech Trade Inspection Authority of the Moravian-Silesian Region carried out an extraordinary inspection at the marketplace in the Šenovská Street in Ostrava-Radvanice. CTIA officers inspected 18 vendors, detected violations of law in all cases and imposed 17 on-the-spot fines amounting to CZK 34,000. Traders most frequently didn’t inform consumers about prices in compliance with pricing regulations.
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