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Results of a pilot control action

(Prague, March 26, 2013) Results of the pilot control action at several selected used cars dealers in various regions have confirmed that such sellers deceit consumers. The inspections were carried out on the grounds of consumers’ most frequent complaints submitted to the Czech Trade Inspection Authority and related to the practices of used cars sellers in 2012. Within the total number of 6 inspections, the officers detected serious breaches in three cases. In one case, incomplete information about the car’s condition was provided. In another case, incomplete information about the mileage was provided. The results of the investigation based on the unsatisfied consumers’ suggestions proved other breaches of information obligations. “The inspections of used cars dealers belong to the most demanding. However, these control actions will continue because it is not acceptable that the consumers are still harmed by unfair commercial practices,” said Vladimír Velčovský, the Director General of the CTIA.

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