CTIA significantly increased the number of inspections of online retailers during the pandemic

(Prague, 21 June 2021) In the first quarter of this year, the Czech Trade Inspection Authority inspected the compliance with legal regulations in the area of internet sales. "The volume of internet trading has increased during the pandemic period, which corresponds with the number of inspections carried out, which was six times higher than in the same period of the previous year. The results of the inspections in Q1 2021 confirmed that internet sales continue to show increasingly more breaches of consumer legislation. E-shops often neglect to inform consumers about the out-of-court consumer dispute resolution body, or do not provide information at all about consumers' rights regarding complaints. They also commit unfair commercial practices and often provide false or incomplete information about the product's characteristics. The CTIA will continue its intensive inspections of online retailers, as the trend of commercial transactions in this segment of sales indicates a further intensive increase in the volume of transactions," says Mojmír Bezecný, Director of the CTIA, commenting on the results of the inspections.

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