Discrimination 2015

(Final report of 2015)

(Prague, April 29, 2016) Suspicions of some form of consumer discrimination were proven in 19 cases, which was 0.9% of 2.138 inspections that were carried out in 2015. This was a significant decrease when compared with 2014 when 40 cases of discrimination were detected, i.e. 3.25% of all inspections. 27 fines amounting to CZK 1.2 million were lawfully imposed relating to consumer discrimination last year. “Most frequent form of discrimination was based on nationality and concerned especially billing of higher prices to foreigners in restaurants where various surcharges were billed. Inspectors also detected various prices of the same services or discrimination based on age. Despite discriminative conducts of entrepreneurs were proven rather rarely, these cases cannot be underestimated because vendors breached the rights of foreigners, national minorities, other groups of consumers and individuals. We will keep inspecting these forms of discrimination in order to reduce their appearance as much as possible,” said Mojmír Bezecný, the Director General of the Czech Trade Inspection Authority.

The complete press release is available in the attachment.

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