Fakes for 1.7 million at market place in Brno

(Extraordinary inspection action at Olomoucká marketplace in Brno)

(Brno, June 19, 2014)
An extraordinary inspection action of inspectorate seated in Brno was based on information received from members of the Alien Police who detected a stall at Olomoucká marketplace in Brno in which counterfeits of popular trademarks were offered. “More than 500 pieces of counterfeits of textile products, shoes, and haberdashery were detected within the inspection and placed out of reach of the inspected marketeer. The value calculated in the prices of originals exceeded 1.7 million CZK,” said Tatiana Neuhybelová, the director of the CTIA inspectorate seated in Brno.

The complete press release is available in the attachment.

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2014-06-19-pr-fakes-olomoucka-marketplace-brno.doc (, 33.00 KB)

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