Fewer problematic laser pointers in the market

(Final report of the project on 2015)

(Prague, November 19, 2015)
Inspection action of the Czech Trade Inspection Authority which focused on laser pointers was carried out to check appearance of these products in the market as well as inspect compliance with safety requirements and other obligations stipulated for their offer and sale. Market monitoring proved that most sellers reduced the offer of this problematic assortment or stopped selling these products at all. Inspectors detected offer of these products only in 35 of 118 monitored workplaces. However, flaws were discovered in 31 cases. “It is positive that laser pointers are not available in high numbers in the retail market anymore as it used to be in previous years. Despite this fact the problematic assortment will remain under permanent CTIA surveillance because inspectors detected flaws in almost 90% of inspections. I recommend consumers not to underestimate marking of radiation class and to respect safety warnings within use. Use of unlabelled laser pointers is hazardous,” said Mojmír Bezecný, the Director General of the CTIA.

The complete press release is available in the attachment.

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2015-11-19-laser-pointers.doc (, 60.00 KB)

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