Presentation events – 2Q 2015

(Continuous report of 2nd quarter of 2015)

(Prague, August 11, 2015)
Inspections of presentation sales events and fulfilment of obligations by organizers still keep the Czech Trade Inspection Authority busy despite the fact that some difficult companies left the Czech market. New firms are out there to damage consumers’ interests and violate laws to the same extent. In the 2nd quarter of 2015, 19 entities announced organization of 4,531 events which is almost by 40% less than in the 1st quarter of 2015, but a high number of events that were not announced was discovered. This proves high activity among organizers of presentation sales events and permanent consumers’ interest. During the 2nd quarter of 2015, almost 50 fines amounting to almost 4.5 million CZK were lawfully imposed for proven violations of obligations. “Unannounced events and incomplete information for invited consumers were the major part of detected flaws. Use of prohibited unfair commercial practices were also discovered frequently, in 3 cases the practices were even aggressive. However, it is increasingly more difficult to effectively act against illegal practices of such companies because they contact consumers via personal invitations either in writing or on the phone. It is difficult for the Czech Trade Inspection Authority to learn about organization of presentation sales events without the invited consumers letting us know. The most effective defence is not to participate in such events at all,” repeatedly recommends the Director General of the Czech Trade Inspection Authority Mojmír Bezecný.

The complete press release is available in the attachment.

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