Purchases of anonymous footwear are risky!

(Final report of 2014)

(Prague, April 20, 2015)
An inspection action focused on labelling of footwear was included in the schedule of the CTIA activities for the first time in 2014 and shortcomings were detected in almost 60% of 1,304 inspections. Subsequent prohibitions of sale were imposed on more than 10,000 pairs of shoes amounting to 1.6 million CZK. Most frequent breach was sale of products without information about manufacturer or importer and missing marking of materials used in main parts of footwear. Almost the same number of cases related to failures to inform the consumer about correct use and maintenance of purchased footwear as well as about prices. “These shortcomings that may be caused by low expertise of sellers in workplaces with large assortment of goods can eventually result in unnecessary claims and consumers’ dissatisfaction with characteristics of products. I recommend consumers to be interested in proper labelling of products and to require maximum of information about suitable way of use and correct maintenance of selected products. The high rate of inspection findings is a signal that it is necessary to pay due attention to this segment of the market in the following period as well,” the Director General of the Czech Trade Inspection Authority Mojmír Bezecný evaluated the results of the inspection project.

The complete press release is available in the attachment.

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