Quality of motor fuels worsened in November

(Results of fuel quality controls in November 2012)

(Prague, December 18, 2012) November inspections of motor fuels, performed on samples taken at petrol stations throughout the Czech Republic, identified shortcomings in the quality of gasoline, diesel fuel and even LPG. Of the 357 samples, 12 samples did not meet the quality requirements. Their deficiencies were mainly found in the area of parameter divergence due to operational negligence. In two cases – one sample of BA 95-Super gasoline and one of LPG, the fuel parameter irregularities were so serious that a reasonable suspicion arose of illegal tampering with the fuels. Increased fuel sampling and inspection activities will continue until the end of December.

Celá zpráva zde:

1218-pr-fuels-november-2012.doc (, 49.50 KB)

1218-monitoring-of-fuel-quality-november2012.xls (, 41.50 KB)

1218-monitoring-of-fuel-quality-january-november2012.xls (, 44.00 KB)

1218-comparison-of-overall-results-with-cappo-results-november2012.xls.xls (, 35.00 KB)

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