Sellers cheated again at the Pálavské vinobraní

(Brno, September 13, 2012) September is the month of celebrations of wine and wine festivals in many locations of both Bohemia and Moravia. Mikulov is one of the locations with a long history where the Pálavské vinobraní welcomes tens of thousands of people, i.e. visitors and sellers of various products. Inspectors of the CTIA are always present at this event to supervise the abidance with the Act on Consumer Protection. This year, the inspectors checked 21 sellers and found defects in 11 of them. These breaches belonged to the most frequently found: failure to allow checking of the amount of a drink and failure to provide the declared amount of a drink, incorrect billing, incomplete information in the bill of purchase, and the use of uncertified measuring tools. The inspectors imposed 3 orders and 3 fines on the spot in the total amount of 9,000 CZK. Administrative proceedings will start with other 5 sellers.

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