Summer is not over – nor are inspections in regions

(České Budějovice, Hradec Králové, August 13, 2014) Summer season is high and so are the never ending inspections of the CTIA in all regions of the Czech Republic. Inspectors monitor selling of goods and provision of services focused on tourists, regular and occasional visitors and they also inspect compliance with principles of fairness of sale as well as other sellers’ obligations stipulated in legal regulations supervised by the CTIA. During past days, inspectors inspected gardens of restaurants, a fair in Hostinné and organizers of presentation sales events who never take a rest. The Czech Trade Inspection Authority will keep inspecting sellers who focus on tourists because the so far results have not been very positive from the consumers’ perspective.

The complete press release is available in the attachment.

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2014-08-13-inspections-in-regions.doc (, 45.00 KB)

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