Unfair traders also in procurement centres

(Final Report of 2012)

(Prague, February 27, 2013) Have you prepared metal waste to sell in a procurement centre of secondary raw materials? Then you should pay attention to the following report which summarizes the results of the inspections of the Czech Trade Inspection Authority at operators of procurement centres. The inspections have proven that almost one third of the checked subjects breached the legal regulations. The procurement centres are not equipped with tested (ověřený) measuring tools (scales) and thus the procured materials are weighed /váženy) wrongly and consumers are cheated by incorrect billing and are not provided any receipts about the provided service. Some procurement centres also breached the Act on Wastes and other legal regulations when buying publically beneficial equipment or their parts, e.g. manhole covers, street lights, traffic signs and so forth, and failed to evidence the involved persons.

Celá zpráva zde:

130227-pr-procurement-centre-of-secondary-raw-materials-2012.doc (, 49.00 KB)

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