(Prague, 11 August 2023) On 6 January 2023, an amendment to Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on Consumer Protection, came into force, which includes new legislation on the provision of information on discounts on product prices. The Czech Trade Inspection Authority responded to these changes and carried out a total of 1,142 inspections in the first half of this year. Within 456 inspections, it found that the requirements for the scope as well as content of information on price discounts on products, as required by Section 12a of the Consumer Protection Act, were not met. “The results of this action confirmed that in a number of cases the inspected persons did not comply with the obligations arising from the amendment to the Consumer Protection Act, in particular with Section 12a, which concerns information on price discounts on products. The inspections mostly showed incorrect calculations of discounts. In addition, inspectors found cases where the declared discount on the price of a product did not include information on the lowest price at which the seller offered and sold it in the 30 days prior to the discount. Since the amendment came into force, the Czech Trade Inspection Authority has also seen an increase in the number of consumer queries and complaints regarding the misrepresentation of information relating to discounts,” said Jan Štěpánek, Central Director of the Czech Trade Inspection Authority.
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