CTIA inspections proved the sale of alcohol and tobacco to minors

(Prague, 27 September 2021) In the second quarter of 2021, the Czech Trade Inspection Authority continued to inspect the supply, sale and storage of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products. In this period, it carried out 1,646 inspections and found violations of Act No.65/2017 Coll., on Health Protection against the Harmful Effects of Drugs, and Act No. 353/2003 Coll., on Excise Duties, in 60 cases. In 11 cases, inspections were carried out with contracted juveniles. In 6 cases, vendors sold or served an alcoholic beverage to a person under the age of 18, in 4 cases vendors sold smoking aids and in 1 case the vendor breached the prohibition to sell or serve tobacco products, herbal products intended for smoking and electronic cigarettes to minors.

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