In 2022, CTIA seized 36,349 counterfeits worth almost CZK 81 million

(Prague, April 3, 2023) Last year, the Czech Trade Inspection Authority focused on inspections of compliance with the ban on the storage, offer and sale of counterfeit goods. It carried out a total of 1,041 inspections and found breaches of the prohibition in 435 cases, which represented more than 40% of the cases. “The Czech Trade Inspection Authority has long focused on border areas, where stand sales still prevail, but also on ordinary shops in inland areas. It also monitors online shops to a greater extent, where the sale of counterfeit products imitating those of reputable brands is a major problem. The CTIA will consistently focus on this area of inspection activity in the following period as well,” said Jan Štěpánek, the CTIA’s Director General.

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