Banned „novelty” lighters still are in the Czech market

(Final report of 2012)

(Prague, February 13, 2013) In 2012, the Czech Trade Inspection Authority participated in the international PROSAFE project focused on lighters safety. The inspectors also cooperated with the customs authorities when supervising the Czech market. Random controls of shops with the assortment of lighters, including e-shops, were carried out in all regions of the Czech Republic. The inspectors imposed bans on sale of 4,312 pieces of lighters amounting to 91,711 CZK, including several types of the so called “novelty” lighters whose sale has been prohibited for several years. Other inspection findings have proven that the final sellers still underestimate the hazards to which their customers are exposed when buying products without the obligatory information and safety warnings. Vendors breach the information obligations by failing to provide instructions and information about the lighters despite accompanying leaflets were delivered by the importers.

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