Doll ZUDY DOLLS contains dangerous phthalate

(Prague, September 30, 2015) When monitoring the market with toys, CTIA officers detected a toy which poses risk to children’s health. It is a textile doll of unknown origin labelled as ZUDY DOLLS. Laboratory analysis showed excessive content of bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), namely 2.8% of weight, while the upper level of phthalate content for toys and child care products is 0.1% of weight. The Czech Trade Inspection Authority prohibited further distribution of the doll and ordered the inspected person to withdraw the product from distribution. Information about the toy was also published in the RAPEX database, notification number INFO/0168/15.

The complete press release is available in the attachment.

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2015-09-30-doll-rapex.doc (, 279.00 KB)

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